
Radlett & District u3a

Walking - 4-5 Miles

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Monday mornings
Monthly - 2nd Monday 10am

These walks are for reasonably fast and fit walkers only. Please do not come if you are unwell and/or walk slowly.


If any of our members would like to lead a walk, please email the group leader

This is an ‘Open Group’, meaning that all Radlett and District u3a members are welcome. However, please note that participants are responsible for their own welfare and ensuring that they are physically able to take part in the activity. They should also be suitably equipped with clothing and footwear for the weather and country footpaths.

Day and time: on a Monday morning, usually at 10am and the walks take about two hours. The distance and speed depend on the conditions and who is leading the walk. Most walks average about 3 miles per hour. Please have current membership card (with emergency contact details completed) with you on all walks.

Can I remind members that it is imperative that they have an ICE number (In Case of Emergency) with them or they give it to the leaders before the walk commences. These leaders need to have the wherewithal to contact someone in case of an accident. They should, of course, have with them their badge with the ICE on the reverse.

Many thanks to all the u3a members who offer to lead a walk. If you have a particular walk that you would like to share with our members, please contact the group leader using the link above for further information if you would like to join this group,.

If you enjoy walks in the country please put these dates in your diary. 

London Legal Walk - July 2023
u3a 40th Anniv. Walking Group
Park Street to Radlett - Nov 2023
Radlett Sep 2023
u3a 40th Anniv. Walking Group

Childwick Green Rhododendrons May 2024