If you have any relevant news that you think should be on this page please contact the webmaster
Radlett Railway Lifts
You may wish to sign a petition to get lifts installed at Radlett railway station - particularly for mums with push chairs / prams and some rather more mature people (like us !). Click to sign here --> https://www.change.org/p/lift-desperately-needed-at-radlett-train-station-for-people-of-all-ages
Adrienne Cohen has taken on the role of Almoner for our u3a. If you are aware of anyone who is unwell, in hospital, suffering a bereavement or anything else along those lines, after asking permission from the person concerned, please contact her. Further details and an email link are on the Almoner page - see the link at the top of this page to go there.
Paid Tutors and Safeguarding Policy The policies for paid tutors and safeguarding are available from the Forms and documents page.
Radlett and District u3a is a registered charity No 1156262