
Radlett & District u3a


If you want any relevant general information published here please email webmaster@radlettu3a.org.uk

New Membership

New membership is restricted to residents of the parishes of Aldenham, Shenley and Ridge. This covers Aldenham, Patchetts Green, Letchmore Heath, Radlett, Ridge, and Shenley. In addition, the spouses of existing members may apply to join. The Executive Committee regrets having to make this decision which is due to the limitations of the capacity of the Hall and Car Park used for our monthly meetings.

Hertsmere Mencap

A local charity offering daily activities and support to learning disabled adults in Hertsmere. Our mission is to transform the lives of hundreds of people in our community, by leading them out of isolation.

We rely on the wonderful support of volunteers to help run our daily activities and we are very keen to increase our pool of volunteers. Would any u3a members like to volunteer with us?

Our activities run every morning from 10-11:30 in a hall in Borehamwood and we run Arts and Crafts, Drama, Dance Aerobics and a drop in "Coffee Morning".

Karen Snyder hdcomm@hertsmeremencap.org.uk 07938 722619

Computers and a Cuppa !

Free drop-in sessions for any technology problem / enquiry at Teatro Cafe, Radlett Centre WD7 8HL on Mondays 10:30am to 12:30pm

Hertfordshire Citizens Academy

A new course on protecting the vulnerable has been added to this on line training site. It's called Hertfordshire Citizens Academy and is hosted at www.hertscitizensacademy.org. Users are able to take short, user-friendly courses covering subjects such as personal safety, cybercrime and fraud, theft and burglary, which are rounded off with short quizzes. Nathan Davies, Policy Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire

u3a Free Legal Helpline Update

The 24 hour legal helpline National u3a Third Age Trust is provided by Arc Legal Assistance in partnership with Irwin Mitchell Solicitors Telephone number 0344 770 1040 Quote - U3A Legal Helpline

Protect email addresses, use Bcc

You wouldn’t give out someone’s phone number without asking their permission, so please don’t do it with email addresses. Every time you send an email to a group of people using the ‘To’ box instead of the ‘Bcc’ box, you are risking unwanted emails being sent to your contacts. This is especially important for group leaders to remember. You will find a link on the right that explains how to do it in various types of email. The Bcc option may be below the "To" option, it may be on the right hand side of the same box as "To" or you may have to go into one of the menus to add it.


As well as our own Walking Groups, many of our members enjoy the Hertfordshire Health Walks. There is a link on the right to their website. A wide range of walks of different lengths and intensity are included across the county, as well as the weekly walk on Friday mornings at 10:30 from St Johns, Aldenham Parish Church, Church Lane WD25 8BD.

Group Administrators

Many groups need someone to look after the general running and admin tasks. The person that leads or tutors the session should not also need to arrange the venue, make the tea and collect money. These roles can be done by others. If you are already taking part in a group, think about what you could offer by way of support. If you have admin skills and would be happy to help a new group leader find a venue, email members, look after finance or any other admin tasks, please contact the study groups coordinator via the contacts page.

World u3a

We now have a page on Myu3a, which is part of World u3a. Please click on the link below to see our entry.

World u3a encourages international understanding and contacts for all active retired people everywhere. It does this through its Internet activity rather than through a traditional organisation structure. It has no membership and is a totally free service.

Radlett and District u3a is a registered charity No 1156262


Computers and a Cuppa !
Radlett Freight Terminal Judicial Review