
Radlett & District u3a

Book Group Morning

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Friday mornings
3rd Friday monthly 10-12 noon
Venue: House

Availability: Waiting list.

The members take it in turns to select the book we read each month but the book has to be sourced via Radlett Library. We read a cross section of fiction. Two members of the group act as hosts and both their homes are in the centre of Radlett. We are looking for one or two new members to join this well-established group

The members take it in turns to select the book we read each month but the book has to be sourced via Radlett Library. We read a cross section of fiction. Two members of the group act as hosts and both their homes are in the centre of Radlett. We are looking for one or two new members to join this well-established group

Please  contact the group leader using the link above for further information.